I hate rules, I figure they're mostly for people who can't figure out what to do. But a common understanding may be necessary.
- You must be present to get a ticket for the sign-up drawing. It is unfair to the people who are there on Time for someone else to get you a ticket. If you come in late, you can sign up at the end of the list. I know some people get off work late. I'm sorry but it still isn't enough to make you a special case who doesn't have to be there. It would still be unfair to those who are there.
- You have to come get your own ticket. Same reasons plus I get to see who you are so I'll know who to look for later.
- You can't give your slot to someone else if you leave. Once again, it's unfair to the other people who participated in the drawing.
- Be ready to perform when it's your turn. If you're not ready, I'll skip over you and try to get you in later. If you're ready.
- Featured Artist slots are primarily for people who frequently participate in the Open Mic. If you've never been to the Open Mic, I won't give you a Featured Artist slot. The Featured Artist is expected to bring a crowd.
Oh, I forgot Rule Zero.
0. I'm the host and I make the rules. I don't like to but I will if I have to.
Dave Baldwin - Tuesday, March 10, 2009